What is ADHD?ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common neurodevelopmental condition which affects around 6% of children and 3% of adults worldwide. It is characterised by developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. ADHD is also considered a form of neurodiversity, along with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Dyslexia.
Managing ADHDThere are different approaches to managing ADHD and what works for one individual will not work for others because the symptoms experience will vary. Some people will find medication helps, but for others they may be able to implement life style changes that are beneficial. It is important to recognise that not every person with ADHD sees this as something to managed or fixed and for those that do want help, the approach must work for them. |
Our research
We conduct research into ADHD, focusing on two different areas. Firstly, we look at novel interventions or management approaches in ADHD. Secondly, we look at better understanding how individuals with ADHD experience Higher Education.
Research into ADHD interventionsThese studies look predominantly at adults with ADHD, because there are few options available to them under the current NICE guidelines. We investigate a range of possible interventions with work on exercise, mindfulness, dietary protein and eye movements.
Research into ADHD in Higher EducationIndividuals with ADHD are less likely to succeed in Higher Education than those without. Despite there being quite a lot of research into ADHD in primary and secondary level education, there is little focusing on what works and what does not work within Higher Education and this an area we are currently working on.
ADHD Support
We are a non-clinical research group, which means that we are qualified as scientists rather than clinicians and are unable to offer clinical support for individuals with ADHD. We do not offer diagnosis as part of study participation. There are some excellent organisations that do offer support for individuals with ADHD including those listed below:
ADHD UK: https://adhduk.co.uk/
ADHD Foundation https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/
ADHD Adult UK https://www.adhdadult.uk/
ADHD UK: https://adhduk.co.uk/
ADHD Foundation https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/
ADHD Adult UK https://www.adhdadult.uk/