ADHD Studies
This page contains information about our current studies but note that not all are currently recruiting. Each study has different criteria depending on what exactly we are investigating. Please read the brief information. All our research has full approval from King's College London Ethics Committee.
Research into the experiences of living with ADHD
Research into ADHD interventions
Eye movements & ADHDIn-person study - Recruitment paused
We are seeking individuals aged 18-35 years with a diagnosis of ADHD to participate in this study, which requires a 1 hour lab visit to our London Laboratory. Participation involves completing a brief screening survey and then, if eligible attending a one hour lab visit. During this session, you will be asked to complete three cognitive tests on a computer measuring attention and impulsivity as well as completing a short eye tracking task, in which you will be asked to fixate on a small cross whilst the computer tracks your eye movements. All participants completing this will receive a £10 amazon voucher. Some participants will be given the opportunity to take part in a longer study with multiple visits and will receive £50 for this. Full details including the screening survey can be found here. |
Dietary protein & ADHDOnline study - Recruitment completed
We are seeking individuals aged 18-35 years and based in the UK with a diagnosis of ADHD to participate in this study. We have currently completed recruitment for females and so are particularly keen to hear from males with ADHD, especially those not currently receiving medication. Tryptophan is a dietary amino acid that is found in a range of foods and is used by the body to create serotonin, a key signalling chemical in our brains. We want to find out if extra tryptophan can help the symptoms of inattention and impulsivity in ADHD. We will post the dietary supplement anywhere in the UK for home testing and the testing will be carried out via MS Teams or similar. If you are interested please fill out the screening survey and a researcher will be in touch to make arrangements. Anyone completing this study will receive a £20 amazon voucher as a thank you This study is now completed and so no longer recruiting. You can find the study results in the Publications sections of the website. |
Clinician views of ADHDOnline study - Recruitment completed
We are seeking to better understand how clinicians in different countries view ADHD. In this study we are specifically seeking to hear from any healthcare professionals in the UK or Malaysia who are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD to complete a short anonymous online survey. If you can spare 15 minutes to complete this, you can be part of the first study of this kind and you can choose to enter a prize draw for shopping vouchers. This study is now in the process of being published. We will share the findings on the Publications page in due course. |
Research into ADHD in Higher Education
Priority Setting ExerciseOnline study - Recruitment Completed
We are seeking current UK university students, parents/guardians of students or members of university staff to help identify research priorities in neurodiversity in Higher Education. We are seeking people to put forward up to three research questions that are important to them in a short (10 mins) anonymous online survey. We want to hear from both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. Participation takes around 10 mins. This study is now in the analysis phase and so no longer recruiting. |
Neurodiversity & Academic SuccessOnline study - currently recruiting
We are seeking returning neurodivergent undergraduate students (i.e., those in Year 2 or above) with ADHD, ASD or dyslexia to tell us how they approach their university studies. If you have 30 mins to complete an anonymous online survey which asks about your neurodivergency and your study approaches and perceptions, we want to hear from you. You can also enter a prize draw for shopping vouchers. If you are interested, you can read more about it here. |
Neurodiversity & Online Learning
In-person study - Recruitment Completed
We are seeking participants aged 18 years and older, who live in the UK, and are currently studying for a campus-based degree which requires the use of an online learning platform. During a testing session, you will be asked to watch an educational video whilst undergoing eye tracking and EEG. You will also complete cognitive tests and questionnaires, as well as a quiz before and after to test your knowledge of the educational video. The session should last less than one hour. Participants who complete the laboratory testing will receive a £15 shopping voucher as a ‘thank you’ for participating. This study is now in the process of being published. We will share the findings on the Publications page in due course. |